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I am an editor with over 30 years of experience. In 2012 I started Loomis & Lyman to help authors navigate the daunting world of self publishing. After seeing how hungry my friends in the coaching world were for knowledge about publishing, I started Writer's Ed to provide nonfiction writers with guidance, community, and support. My greatest joy is helping them become authors and authorities.


I believe editing is a powerful tool. I see it as a partnership with the author, and the more an author knows and understands about the

publishing process in general and the editing process in particular, the more equal the partnership will be. Words matter, and I believe everyone deserves a chance to have their words heard.


I don't see authors as a commodity; they don't exist simply so I can sell my services to them. Each client is an individual and deserves individual attention.


If you're interested in learning how we can work together, book a call. Rates vary depending on size and scope of your project.


I look forward to hearing from you! 


— Alexandra Uth, President

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