What services do you offer?
I offer line editing, copyediting, and proofreading services. For descriptions of the different levels of edits, click here.
My edits aren't strictly for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. If something doesn't make sense, I'll query it and I might suggest a fix. If I see a fact that looks wrong, I'll query it. I do not do a full fact check unless it is part of the scope of work.
When I proofread, I look for more than typos; I look at the whole page. I spent several years working for a typesetter, so I know what errors can creep in when something is typeset.
In addition to copyediting and proofreading, I also offer coaching to help your project move from your head to a published product.
I respect an author's style and all feedback is constructive.
What do you charge?
The Purple Pencil Packages are the only services with a fixed price. If you have a larger project, contact me for a quote. My rates are based on the scope of work, the word count, the schedule, and my expertise. Rush jobs will incur higher rates. Larger jobs require 50% up front, 50% on completion. Most jobs are payment in full on completion. I will not allow bargaining to reduce my rates. If you have a set budget, tell me and I'll try to find a way to work with you. If I can't take on the job, I can help you find someone at no charge.
If you have ongoing copyediting needs, we can discuss working on retainer.
What's involved in a phone call?
A phone call before the start of the project helps me understand your needs and determine the scope of the project. Not all projects require a phone call before starting.
When I've completed my work, we can have a phone call or chat via Zoom to go over edits.
How do I get on your schedule?
Most of the time, particularly May–August, getting on my schedule isn't a problem. Things usually start getting tight in September and start tapering off in January. However, fitting smaller projects into my schedule can be done; it just might not be right away. Book an introductory call and we can talk about working together.
While the goal is 100% accuracy, it is impossible for a human being to catch every error. Most professional editors strive for an error detection rate of 95%. This is why going through the full editorial process is so important; even then, errors will get through.